Saturday, June 9, 2007

June 9, 2007 The First Leg

As I closed the door of my house today, I paused to breathe a prayer, enveloping the house in a golden aura of protection that it would remain safe while I was away. I remarked to a friend last week that this will be the longest continuous time that I have been away from home since I left to go to college. I like being home. I usually get homesick if I am away more than three weeks.

But just as when I went to college, I am sure Greece will hold many new experiences as well as the opportunity to grow and have a good time. (I must have an affinity for Greece as I took a term of ancient Greek in college to fulfill one of the classics requirements. The sum total of that semester is an ability to recognize and write the Greek alphabet. Period.)

However, first I will pay a visit to my father who celebrated his 95th birthday last week. I will see him tomorrow in northern New York, where I will spend a few days visiting family.

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