Tuesday, August 7, 2007

August 6 Where is the Post Office?

Today Kathy and I took the local bus to Haidari so she could exchange some American money and mail her post cards. The people at the bank remembered me (oh-oh, here comes that American woman again and this time she's brought a friend), so her exchange went a little quicker than mine as they had the routine down now. Then we set out to find the Post Office. We walked further than we thought it would be but after asking at least five people, we found it.

When we walked in it looked like social services offices in the U.S. Lots of people waiting in chairs. It was obviously "take-a-number" which we did and eventually got chairs so we could people-watch and listen. Whenever there is an animated discussion or disagreement, bystanders in Greece are not always satisfied with being voyeurs - there is always at least one person who wants to offer advice or make suggestions or comments, even when they are not involved in the issue at hand. Makes people-watching lots of fun. Eventually our turn came and we got the post cards mailed and walked back to the main street. By now we were hot even though there was a pleasant breeze blowing, and we needed a rest room. We stopped at a nice restaurant and had a frappe and a cappuccino and used the facilities and congratulated ourselves on being able to accomplish these simple activities without Theodosia's help.

Turns out the problem with our internet access is not at our house. The ISP has chosen this time to update their system. I commented to Kathy they would not dare to take so long to get the bugs worked out in the U.S. You can just imagine what would happen if an ISP was down for ten days. People would be leaving it like rats from a sinking ship!

All ten kittens are holding their own and mamma cat is a devoted mother.

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