Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May 29, 2007 Count down mode

27 days to take-off and I am counting. My list is getting shorter, but some of the items take time.

How did I get to go to Greece for the summer? I applied as companion to accompany two children from Seattle to Athens where they will spend the summer with their father. My ticket to Athens is the pay for this service. Once I hand them off to their dad in the airport, the summer is mine until I bring them home in September. My friends in Athens are delighted I'm going to spend so much time with them.

I visited my friends, the Kostoulas family, in 2005 for ten days and they complained that was not nearly enough time to show me all they wanted to - so now they will have another chance and a more leisurely visit. I have no idea what we will be doing and that is part of the adventure and the reason for this blog, so you can share it with me.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Stay Young - Do Something New

Every year I want to have some new experience - (they say it helps one to stay young) and there are a plethora of new things to try. The last few years my new experiences have involved using my computer. A couple years ago I created my website. Now I am creating a blog, which I probably would not have been motivated to do except for the fact that I am spending the summer in Greece!

That means I will not be putting out the Douglass Digest for a few months, and my family and friends insist I must let them know what I am doing during the three months I will be gone.

If I can get this set up right, you should be able to see my blog right on my website. More later.